Christian Education
Sunday School Educator Teams: Teachers, teacher substitutes, teaching assistants needed on a rotating basis.
Forge: Provide a powerful ministry to the children of Mercer County (Wednesday evenings during the school year)
Bible Study Leaders: Lead Bible Study for various small groups.
Outreach Food Ministries
Caring Hearts Food Ministry: Help prepare food for Caring Hearts freezer. (Meet twice monthly)
Bakery (Hy-Vee) Team: Help receive/sort bakery products for various ministries. (Saturday mornings)
Fellowship Café: Help serve food/hospitality in this growing ministry on a rotating basis. (Sunday mornings)
Loving Hands: Help prepare sandwiches, frozen meals, and dry food packs to be given to Mercer County Mental Health Action Program for those with food insecurities. (Meet twice monthly)
...serve one another
humbly in love.
Galatians 5:13
Music Ministry: Do you sing? (Chancel Choir) Play an instrument? (Praise Bands, Bell Choir, Piano, Keyboard, Other)
Usher Team: Serve as an usher for the service you attend
Greeter Team: Help welcome and greet people coming to the worship service you attend.
Liturgist: Lead a (pre-written) Call to Worship and read Scripture at our worship services.
Tech Booth Team: Run sound board and/or computer for the worship service you attend (training provided)
Communion Stewards: Prepare the communion elements monthly.
Welcome Bag Team: Keep Welcome bags stocked weekly.
Children’s Activity Bags Team: Keep bags clean and current.
Bus Ministry: Help drive or load/unload passengers on Sunday morning.
301 North College Ave.
Aledo, IL 61231
Phone: 309-582-2169
"We exist to
connect people to
Jesus Christ!"
Pray about what ministries
God is calling YOU to serve.
Please call the church office at 309-582-2169
to let us know how we can partner with you.
Mission Ministry Teams
Hospitality/Outreach Team: Focus on how to reach the members of our community and implement needed ministries as needed.
Missions Team: Guide the mission work of the church, both locally and globally through a variety of outlets. (Meet quarterly)
Visitation Team: Visit and/or contact those needing cheer and love in the hospital, nursing facilities, or at private homes.
Library Team: Help update with new books/media, keep books in order, promote use of library.
Publication Team: Fold/sort bulletins/newsletters for distribution.
Church Membership Team: Review church attendance, help prepare letters to “absentee” members throughout the year.
Cleaning Team: Clean areas of the church building on an on-going basis, not covered by our janitorial staff.
Stay Connected
The Aledo United Methodist Church