301 North College Ave.

Aledo, IL 61231

Phone: 309-582-2169

​​​"We exist to

​connect people to

Jesus Christ!"


Natalie lives in Aledo with her husband and 3 kids. She graduated from Bradley University with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary and Special Education and from Western Illinois University with a Master's Degree in special education. She is currently a special education teacher. She feels blessed to have been provided the opportunity to touch the lives of our youngest church goers and share God's love with them as the Nursery Director.

Nicole Taylor - Bell Choir Director

Ruth Dulaney- Nuturing and Outreach Director

Ruth is semi-retired after her career as a Medical Technologist and Laboratory Manager. She has three married daughters and six grandchildren. At AUMC, she is actively engaged in leading the Caring Hearts and Loving Hands teams as well as other Outreach ministries.

"I love being able to work with others for the common goal of being the 'Hands and Feet of Jesus' in our community."

Denise Patterson - Treasurer 

A district superintendent's appointment brought Joanne and her family to Aledo over a decade ago, but it is the faithful, loving congregation of AUMC that made her want to stay. Joanne is passionate about Jesus and wants people to know Him too. Her favorite Bible Verse is Micah 6:8. What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.  She enjoys her job as the "stealth ninja" secretary. She usually works after official office hours. Joianne enjoys reading, learning , tutoring, and spending time with friends and her two sons, Sam and Hunter. She also enjoys the company of her furry companion, Mollie. 

Katie lives in Aledo with her husband Robert and her son Harrison. She spent her entire childhood planning to get a degree in music but then decided to be a nurse instead! Katie works as a Labor & Delivery Nurse but still gets her music fix by playing piano for the 10:30 service, accompanying and singing with the chancel choir, and filling holes in the bell choir when needed.

Pastor Dave Schultz - Directing pastor

When Pastor Dave Schultz was appointed as our pastor in July 2020, he brought
with him over forty years of pastoral experience.. An elder in full connection with the
Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church, Pastor Dave earned
his Doctor of Ministry from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary in 2021.
In addition to his ministry in the United Methodist Church, Pastor Dave previously
served as a chaplain with Blessing Hospice, and as the editor of the Cambridge
“I’ve always loved writing, and I like to think that it helps my sermons,” Pastor
Dave explained. He has been published in The Upper Room and he also wrote and self-
published a murder mystery called A Jury of Peers.”
Both Pastor Dave and his wife were raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where they
became high school sweethearts. Together they raised three sons, Jonathan, Jordan,
and Justin. They are also the parents of two “fur babies,” a dog, Addie, and a cat, Augie.
Jonathan and his wife Molly live in Glenview, Illinois, with their two daughters,
Ava and Emma. Jonathan is a consultant with Ankura.
Jordan and his wife Robyn live in North Liberty, Iowa, with their children, Jack
and Ella. Jordan is a Doctor of Pharmacy at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
Justin and his wife Cortney live in downtown Chicago where Justin is a broker
with C.H. Robinson Logistics.

Katie Moran - Keyboardist

Nicole is a homesteader, DIYer  and mom of 4 who has been attending AUMC for 9 years! She has been an English Handbell ringer since she was 14, playing at the UMC in Winterset, IA and in college at St. John's UMC in Davenport before making her way to Aledo. As director of bell choirs, she enjoys helping new "Ding-a-lings", both young and old, to learn and enjoy handbell ringing. 



Denise started the position of church treasurer in July 2020. Being raised in this community, she attended the Methodist Church and graduated from Westmer High School. After marrying, Denise lived in various places and held various jobs.She has been blessed with 2 daughters, Mary and Laura, son, Robert and 4 grandsons.
In 2015, Denise made the move back to Joy to be closer to her mom. She was fortunate to quickly be hired at Joy State Bank (now Farmers-Merchants Bank). She started attending Aledo UMC and found old friends, made new ones and experiences the love of God here.
One of her favorite verses - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not into thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths."   Proverbs 3:5-6

Julie bigham- Office Administrator

Mike Millar - Director of Praise Bands

 Now a retired classroom teacher, Mike leads our two praise bands, Connection and Forgiven.  He enjoys singing, playing guitar and volunteering for Mercer County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue. Mike and his wife, Barb, live in Aledo.  They celebrate four grown children, all married, and twelve grandchildren.  Mike says, “Sing praise and live in the love of Jesus!”  Email Mike:  mbmillar70@gmail.com