301 North College Ave.

Aledo, IL 61231

Phone: 309-582-2169

​​​"We exist to

​connect people to

Jesus Christ!"

The Aledo United Methodist Church 2020 Ministry Interest Survey
     In preparation for the ministries of 2020, in which ministry area(s) would YOU like to be involved? What are you PASSIONATE about? Matching your gifts/graces with the church’s ministry needs allows for better service to God. (If you are already involved in a specific area, feel free to mark it.)

Ministry Teams

Finance Team
- Set yearly budget, review finances, make decisions about raising/spending money.  (Meet monthly)
Trustees Team
-  Responsible for the church building itself and parsonage. (Meet monthly)
Endowment/Memorial Team
- Administer both Endowment and Memorial Funds (Meet every other month)
Hospitality/Outreach Team
-  Focus on how to reach the members of our community (Meet every other month)
Missions Team
-  Guide the mission work of the church, both locally and globally through a variety of outlets. (Meet quarterly)
Safety Team
- Evaluate/create plans for improved church safety (Meet quarterly)
Staff/Parish Relations Team
-  The church’s Human Resources department, liaison between church/staff. (Meet quarterly)
Visitation Team
-  Visit those needing cheer and love in the hospital, nursing facilities, or at private homes.
Nominations & Leadership Development Team
-  Nominate and solicit team members for church ministry teams for the next year. (Meet in the fall)
Library Team
-  Help update with new books/media, keep books in order, promote use of library.
Publication Team
-  Fold/sort bulletins/newsletters for distribution.
Website Team
- Help update/maintain the church website: myaledoumc.com
Church Membership Team
- Review church attendance, help prepare letters to “absentee” members throughout the year.
Audit Team
-  Audit the various ministry and teams finances yearly.
Cleaning Team
-  Clean areas of the church building on an on-going basis that are not covered by our janitorial staff.
Christian Education

Sunday School Educator Teams
:  Teachers, teacher substitutes, teaching assistants needed on a rotating basis.
Children’s Church Leaders
:  Help lead age-appropriate young children’s worship at 8 AM or 10:30 AM church services.
:  Provide a powerful ministry to the children of Mercer County (Wednesday evenings during the school year)
Bible Study Leaders
:  Lead Bible Study for various small groups.

Music Ministry
: Do you sing? (Choir) Play an instrument? (Praise Bands, Bell Choir, Piano, Keyboard, Other)
Usher Team
:  Serve as an usher for the service you attend
Greeter Team
:  Help welcome and greet people coming to the worship service you attend.
: Lead a (pre-written) Call to Worship and read Scripture at the 10:30 AM worship service.
Tech Booth Team
:  Run sound board and/or computer for the worship service you attend (training provided)
Welcome Bag Team
: Keep Welcome bags stocked weekly. Solicit homemade cookies.
Children’s Activity Bags Team
:  Keep bags clean and current.
Bus Ministry
: Help drive or load/unload passengers on Sunday morning.
Outreach Ministries

Caring Hearts Food Ministry
: Help prepare food for Caring Hearts freezer. (Meet twice monthly)
Bakery (HyVee) Team
: Help receive/sort bakery products for various ministries. (One Saturday morning/month)
Fellowship Café
: Help serve food/hospitality in this growing ministry on a rotating basis. (Sunday mornings)
Wednesday Night Fellowship Meals
:  Prepare food, set up/serve meals, and/or clean up. (Wednesday evenings during school year)
CIA (Caring Individual Adults)
:  Help prepare/serve a monthly meal for single adults on a rotating basis.
Power Pack Feeding Team
: Implement weekly take home food packs for the Young group participants.
Loving Hands Sandwich + Team
:  Help prepare sandwiches, frozen meals, and dry food packs to be given to Mercer County Mental Health Action Program for those with food insecurities.


Specific Group Ministries

United Methodist Women
-  All women of the church serve on a serving committee and help provide comfort to families at funeral luncheons and LOTS of other ministries. (UMW Ex. Board help plan/implement social events, fundraisers – meet every other month)
United Methodist Men
-  Plan/implement social events, fundraisers and LOTS of ministries. (Meet monthly)
Youth Adults & Families Team
-  Young adults and families gather together to strengthen bonds.The Forge Youth/Children’s Team:  Help guide our Youth Groups with planning, dreaming and implementation. 
Other– What else would YOU like to do that’s not on this list?

Write down your information and 3 top choices below. You will be contacted in late November/early December (sooner in a few cases) and your term will start in January.
Step out in faith and get involved in God’s ministry to the world. You will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams!